Strength Flex Gymnastics

Trainer Center for Kids, Dancers, Gymnastics, and Professional Athletes.

Strength Flex Gymnastics

Trainer Center for Kids, Dancers, Gymnastics, and Professional Athletes.

StrengthFlex Gymnastics

Strength, Flexibility, Acro classes for Athletes

StrengthFlex Gymnastics is a training center established to provide top quality athletes. The goal at StrengthFlex Gymnastics is to provide dancers, gymnasts and professional athletes with the best-in-class experience.

We believe in the principles of individual reliance, hard work, and positive thinking. By employing proven training methods, we help the participants achieve an agile and flexible body. The training focus on imparting correct stretching techniques and accurate drills to improve leaps, jumps, and balance.

We offer a safe and professional facilities that help participants grow not just physically but also emotionally by developing an environment of mutual respect.

Our Classes and Programs

We offer a variety of programs for all ages at different skill sets.

Sweet Peas Program

Sweet Peas is an educational gymnastics program designed to promote physical, social and cognitive development in children 6 months to 6 years old.

Academy Classes

This 90-minute class for 6 years old and Up is based on the 4 Olympic events: balance beam, bars, vaulting, floor exercise, Tumble track, strength, and flexibility.

Day Camps

No School? No Problem! You need to work (or shop, or relax), but the kids are out of school. Our camps are customized for the season to make everyone happy 🙂

Private Lessons

Private lessons are one of the best investments you can make in your young dancer or athlete development. A personalized, child-centered and distraction-free.

Strength. Agile. Flexibility. Balance.

Strength Flex Gymnastics

For More Information


Gymnastic and Dance Instructors with professional experience here in Monrovia
Valentina Atanasova, owner and founder of Strength Flex Gymnastics.
Valentina Atanasova

Head Coach

Valentina brings over 20 years of gymnastics experience. Being involved in gymnastics since the age of 6, as a gymnast, judge and coach, Valentina has been able to develop unique training systems to help develop gymnasts of all ages and skill levels.…

Melodic Rodriguez

StrengthFlex/Sweet peas/AAU instructor

Melodic Rodriguez Melodic presents her 4+ years in coaching experience. Assistant Coach of StrengthFlex Athletics 4+ Years of Coaching Experience